Fall Days in NYC with Vanessa Vanacore – Larsson & Jennings | Official Store
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  • Region dropdown option country flag for Philippinen and currency United States Dollar Philippinen (USD $)
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  • Region dropdown option country flag for Tristan da Cunha and currency United States Dollar Tristan da Cunha (USD $)
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  • Region dropdown option country flag for Turkmenistan and currency United States Dollar Turkmenistan (USD $)
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  • Region dropdown option country flag for Vereinigte Arabische Emirate and currency United States Dollar Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Vereinigte Staaten and currency United States Dollar Vereinigte Staaten (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Vereinigtes Königreich and currency British Pound Vereinigtes Königreich (GBP £)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Vietnam and currency United States Dollar Vietnam (USD $)
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  • Region dropdown option country flag for Zypern and currency United States Dollar Zypern (USD $)



Fall Days in NYC with Vanessa Vanacore

Stop scrolling, We've combined all your fave things in one place! Think Fall, fashion, NYC and influencer goals. Vanessa Vanacore gave us an insight into her enviable life and you won't want to miss this! 

Plus you can steal her style and shop all her favorite pieces here.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I like to ease into my day so I sit down and eat a yogurt bowl as soon as I wake up. I usually start work around 9 and always break my day up around 1 pm with exercise or even just a mile walk. I always end my day by cooking dinner for my bf and I - I think it helps me unwind.

What do you love most about living in NYC, and how does the city inspire your personal style?

I’ve always been inspired by the creativity of NYC. People are never ashamed to wear what they want but there’s often a conscious effort and thought behind an outfit that I try to emulate in my own personal style day-to-day.

How do you balance the fast-paced energy of New York with your personal downtime? Any favorite spots for unwinding?

Live in a quiet neighborhood! This is essential for me. I also find taking walks along the Hudson River always relaxes me. The smell of the water reminds me of home in Connecticut.

NYC is known for its incredible food scene! What are your go-to spots for a delicious meal or coffee break?

I am obsessed with PopUp bagels right now. They’re the freshest most mouth-watering bagels ever and you don’t eat them like a regular bagel. You rip them apart and dip them in a tub of freshly made cream cheese. Right now they have a butter finger cream cheese I need to try.

We’re only in NY for a few days. Where would you suggest we visit?

For me, NYC is all about the insane views, history, and food. If you’re only here for a few days you have to experience them. Walk the Brooklyn Bridge, and schedule a visit to the top of the Empire State Building, The Edge, or Summit One. Avoid Times Square and visit an old Jewish Deli like Katz’s, Chinatown, Arthur Avenue, or go on a 7 Train food crawl through Queens instead. That’s true NYC!

We know you're a book lover! What are you currently reading

I just finished Our Towns: A 100,000-Mile Journey into the Heart of America. I’ve always been interested in culture away from the coasts.

Do you have a favorite genre and/or writer?

I basically only read non-fiction. Interesting celeb memoirs are great. But I do love an occasional fiction novel. My Year of Rest and Relaxation is my favorite book of all time. I want the last line of that book framed and hung in my apartment.

NYC is a thrifter's paradise! Do you have any top tips for finding the best thrifted treasures?

The thrifting in NYC is so good you don’t even need tips on how to find treasures! Just be prepared for some sticker shock. I feel like some of the best thrifting can be found by college campuses so neighborhoods like Greenwich Village, the East Village, and Bowery all have a ton of amazing thrift stores. Also don’t forget about Brooklyn! Awoke Vintage is one of my faves.

Are there any hidden gems when it comes to shopping in New York you think everyone should know about (no gatekeeping pls!)?

My number one rule: try not to shop on the weekends. 

How do you incorporate vintage or thrifted pieces into your everyday outfits?

Jackets are my favorite thing to thrift! They’re so easy to style and easily become the main focal point of your outfit. I also love styling vintage dresses. They’re so easy and you don’t have to think of what to pair with them. Just throw them on and you look put together.

You've been rocking your new Larsson & Jennings beautifully! How do you like to style your pieces for an everyday look?

Rings are my favorite! Even if I’m just running errands, no outfit feels complete without a gorgeous little Larsson and Jennings ring.

Do you prefer layering or keeping it minimal with your accessories? What’s your go-to combination for a statement look?

I love layering. I’ll try little minimal rings on every other finger with a watch and bracelet to keep things interesting.

How would you describe your personal style, and how has it evolved over time?

I would definitely describe my style as easy, minimal, and sometimes trendy. I feel like when I was younger I always had to be wearing every trend, even if it didn’t flatter me. You realize that as you get older, it’s all about pieces that are more classic, that can last decades, and that feel more like you.

Has living in NYC influenced your approach to fashion and accessorizing?

Definitely! I think I’d wear a lot less black if I didn’t live here. I also find it funny when I see people wearing super impractical shoes while they’re here. You quickly learn NYC is not meant for high heels like stilettos. I don’t own a single pair.

Any exciting projects or collaborations on the horizon that you can share with us?

I’m slowly getting more and more into the NYC food space with some cool restaurant collaborations and meal delivery service projects. Food has always been a passion of mine so I’m excited to talk and share about these kinds of things!

