Summer is coming to an end and the season of crunchy leaves, pumpkin spice and lots of lovely layers is pretty much here! With the new season comes the opportunity to make changes, delve deeper and explore new avenues so we looked to the stars for you for some first-class guidance on what the end of this year may hold.
TAURUS - The skies are demanding great patience from you this season as Jupiter spins retrograde in your own sign until December 31. However, worry not my Taurus Queen because you’re paving the way for growth. If you’re not getting the results you desire then truck along, quietly tend to your vision over the next few months and rest assured your just desserts will come.
Shop the Taurus Zodiac necklace
VIRGO - Oh, wow! The astrology of the next few months wants you to transform your relationship to money. We know your humble sign is not the most materialistic, preferring instead to focus on integrity and self development without compensation. However, the incoming astrology is here to lift your gaze and help you dream bigger.
Shop the Virgo Zodiac necklace
CAPRICORN - There’s no denying you’re an ambitious one but it is time to remember you are not meant to be defined by your achievements. Your personal relationships will become even more prevalent this quarter and they will challenge you to stay grounded and authentic. Be true, be you!
Shop the Capricorn Zodiac necklace
GEMINI - This season, home is where your heart is. After a hectic Summer it’s time to focus on your personal space, Gemini. Embrace this opportunity to take a journey into the self. Let relationships with others take a back seat and lovingly tend to your own personal growth. Selfcare it is!
Shop the Gemini Zodiac necklace
LIBRA - Buckle up, this is an important season for your sign with an abundance of opportunities you may not have identified as yours! Surrendering control and staying present is more important now than ever as a point of sudden growth is upon you. Grab it by its horns and stand your ground!
Shop the Libra Zodiac necklace
AQUARIUS - It is a season of learning for you and any shift in perspective that happened over summer now needs to be rooted deep within. You could find yourself stumbling upon a teacher in some form or another who will guide you and gift you new perspectives. So be it an old friend, a yoga teacher or an online course, stay open to different avenues!
Shop the Aquarius Zodiac necklace

ARIES - Autumn for you is a time to focus a little more on your relationships. Your sign likes to stay socially involved and in control of what’s happening at work and at home but as we head deeper into Winter it’s time to relinquish some of your grip. By late November, as we enter Sagittarius season, the picture will become clearer. Stay patient and trust the process!
Shop the Aries Zodiac necklace
LEO - Winter for you is not about fulfilling your personal ambitions but instead pouring love into your community. You are a natural leader at heart, Leo, but the incoming astrology wants to bring you back into the circle of others to allow for fresh inspiration. What can you learn from those around you?
Shop the Leo Zodiac necklace
SAGITTARIUS - Right now the planets want you to open up and mingle more, as the eclipses transform your circle of contacts with you at the heart. Your joyful sign has a generous soul, and this season you’ll get all the recognition for this and be reminded by your most important people. Enjoy being center stage Sagi Baby, all eyes on you!
Shop the Sagittarius Zodiac necklace
CANCER - Prepare to experience conflict between home and career like never before, activating tension between your personal needs, your desire to nest, and your ambition to succeed. Don’t let this inner tension overcome you, though! Sit quietly in the conviction of your self-worth, and your outer goals will draw nearer. We believe in you, Cancer!
Shop the Cancer Zodiac necklace
SCORPIO - This fall starts off slowly and wants you to indulge your spiritual curiosities but as it progresses the new cycle will strengthen your stamina so you can take a risk and passionately pour energy into something that matters. If nothing else, you’ll see your excitement and sexual desire replenished this fall. Go get em!
Shop the Scorpio Zodiac necklace
PISCES - This season is set to be light and lustrous for you water baby and you have permission to turn your focus to intimacy and relationships. Stay vulnerable with those you love to reach new depths of connection and let your career take care of itself for a while. Live, laugh, Love love love!
Shop the Pisces Zodiac necklace