What To Do This Summer Bank Holiday – Larsson & Jennings | Official Store



What To Do This Summer Bank Holiday

The bank holiday weekend is nigh! With the promise of another record forecasted heatwave by the crystal ball of weather forecasts, what do we do?!

Notting Hill Carnival. The second biggest festival in the world after Rio de Janeiro, this is a must for anyone wanting to discover and celebrate London's Caribbean communities and overall multiculturalism!

Credit: REX

If you've an affinity for food and the being outdoors - then we propose a bbq in a park! Which park? How about scenic Waterlow Park in Highgate or Russell Square in Bloomsbury if you'd like to go more central. Want to enjoy your sausages near a lake? Burgess Park in Southwark is where you should go this weekend.

© Gordon Rainsford

And before it gets too cold for ice cream (is that a thing?), why not do a garden party or barbecue with family and/or friends! Alternatively, the promise of live music, animal fun and face painting, Kent Life's annual Ice Cream Festival in Maidstone boasts a whopping 20 flavours to taste and enjoy!

Ice Cream Festival

For those who are willing to venture out a little further - why not make your way lakeside or to the beach? Take the time to really soak up and make the most of what might be the last summer rays and summer #slowmoments of 2019!


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