Whatever mother figure you are celebrating this Mother's Day: We all know that a mom's job is everything but easy.
To celebrate motherhood this year, we have met up with Berlin-based working mom Michelle Runyon @michicle talking self-love, balance, and nurturing. Bouncing between motherhood and her full-time role as a teacher, the Texan-born superwoman shares her empowering journey of motherhood with us, reminding us that time does fly by too fast.
Read the exclusive interview edited and shot by photographer Weslee Kate @wesleekatecreate below!
Who is Michelle? Tell us about you and what you are passionate about!
Professionally, I am a teacher but my passion truly lies in the art of growing things. I wish I could live in a greenhouse surrounded by my tropical plants.
What does motherhood mean to you personally?
I’m not sure I know how to answer this one, but the one thing that comes to my mind is to nurture my child’s intuition and feed them with knowledge and culture and all that this world has to offer. There are no limits in teaching.
It takes a village to raise a child - what does your village look like?
My village is partially virtual as the majority of my people live in Texas and my husband's family are in Slovenia. Here in Berlin our village is made up of young creatives from all walks of life with stories that could fill a book.
What has been a surprise in your journey of motherhood?
The exponential growth a tiny human goes through. How quickly they learn and change from one day to the next.
How do you keep track of time or manage your time as a working mom?
I never take my watch off (except when taking a shower) and my calendar is filled with reminders to stretch, or appointments to call our families back home.
How do you find the balance between self-love, motherly love, and dealing with life in general?
Accepting that most days will not go as I’ve planned, hoped or expected is a major factor in balancing it all. My husband is a pillar in our lives. He makes it possible for me take time for myself every day whether it’s to read a book, do yoga, tend to my plants or go for a walk.
What’s your favorite way to practice self-care?
I would have to say tending to my plants, yoga (preferably outside), and long nature walks.
What’s your go-to Larsson & Jennings piece and why?
My Lugano watch. It’s an integral part of my wardrobe and I’d be lost without it.
Your favorite part of motherhood?
The bond created through nursing
Any tips for new moms? We are all ears!
Tune in to your natural intuition. There isn't a book in this world that will prepare you for the beautiful journey of motherhood. Embrace it all with unconditional love and cherish every single moment because time truly flies by before your eyes.