What's your love letter style? – Larsson & Jennings | Official Store



What's your love letter style?

Another year, another day to celebrate love: Happy Valentine's Day! All over the world people are scratching their heads and checking their bank balance wondering, "Where do I get red roses again? Where shall I book that nice meal? Would they even notice if we just skip it altogether this year?"

While most of us will eventually succumb to this commercial holiday, the age old tradition of declaring your undying love to someone has been around since long before hallmark cards and overpriced chocolates. Traditionally, it was celebrated in the most simple way with just words. Letters of declaration, odes to the one who means the most to you, the love letter is the easiest way to really show someone you care. 

But what's your love letter style? Is it deep and meaningful, or maybe light-hearted and fun? Have a look at our favorites below and see where you fit! 

Send your favorite letter to your favorite person. ❤️


You listen intently to the lyrics of every song and dream about one day having your own crazy, passionate, f’’ked up, rock n roll love affair. You think Kurt & Courtney were the perfect couple and yearn for that kind of intensity in your love life.


You don’t take life or anything too seriously and your partner’s probably grateful not to just get a practical joke for Valentines Day this year. But beneath that silly, sarcastic exterior there’s a big heart.


We’ve all seen that scene in Sex & the city where Carries sits in bed and wistfully reads beautiful sonnets to Big. Well that’s you, you probably have “Love Letters Of Great Men” on your bedside table. You're sweet, sentimental and believe that everyone has One Great Love in their lives, so when you find it you’ll be looking to the classics, old poets and Napoleon Bonaparte’s romantic (and raunchy) letters to Joséphine Bonaparte as inspiration.


Valentines Day means nothing to you tbh. Life is all about self-love everyday and your idea of a love letter is your morning affirmations. Looking in the mirror and telling yourself “you’re amazing and you got this” is really all the love letters you’re ever going to need.


Is it even love if you’ve not posted it on Instagram? Love letters just aren't enough for you, you want to shower (or be showered) in gifts, this Valentines Day and plastering them all over social media with “the boy done good” captioned underneath. After all, what's the point of a holiday that’s all about love if everyone’s not seeing yours.
