The Festive Gift Shop – Larsson & Jennings | Official Store
Region switcher country flag for Estados Unidos and currency United States Dollar US (USD)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Afganistán and currency United States Dollar Afganistán (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Albania and currency United States Dollar Albania (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Alemania and currency Euro Alemania (EUR €)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Andorra and currency United States Dollar Andorra (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Angola and currency United States Dollar Angola (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Anguila and currency United States Dollar Anguila (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Antigua y Barbuda and currency United States Dollar Antigua y Barbuda (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Arabia Saudí and currency United States Dollar Arabia Saudí (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Argelia and currency United States Dollar Argelia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Argentina and currency United States Dollar Argentina (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Armenia and currency United States Dollar Armenia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Aruba and currency United States Dollar Aruba (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Australia and currency Australian Dollar Australia (AUD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Austria and currency United States Dollar Austria (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Azerbaiyán and currency United States Dollar Azerbaiyán (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Bahamas and currency United States Dollar Bahamas (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Bangladés and currency United States Dollar Bangladés (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Barbados and currency United States Dollar Barbados (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Baréin and currency United States Dollar Baréin (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Bélgica and currency United States Dollar Bélgica (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Belice and currency United States Dollar Belice (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Benín and currency United States Dollar Benín (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Bermudas and currency United States Dollar Bermudas (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Bielorrusia and currency United States Dollar Bielorrusia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Bolivia and currency United States Dollar Bolivia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Bosnia y Herzegovina and currency United States Dollar Bosnia y Herzegovina (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Botsuana and currency United States Dollar Botsuana (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Brasil and currency United States Dollar Brasil (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Brunéi and currency United States Dollar Brunéi (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Bulgaria and currency United States Dollar Bulgaria (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Burkina Faso and currency United States Dollar Burkina Faso (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Burundi and currency United States Dollar Burundi (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Bután and currency United States Dollar Bután (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Cabo Verde and currency United States Dollar Cabo Verde (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Camboya and currency United States Dollar Camboya (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Camerún and currency United States Dollar Camerún (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Canadá and currency Canadian Dollar Canadá (CAD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Caribe neerlandés and currency United States Dollar Caribe neerlandés (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Catar and currency United States Dollar Catar (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Chad and currency United States Dollar Chad (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Chequia and currency United States Dollar Chequia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Chile and currency United States Dollar Chile (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for China and currency Chinese Renminbi Yuan China (CNY ¥)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Chipre and currency United States Dollar Chipre (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Ciudad del Vaticano and currency United States Dollar Ciudad del Vaticano (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Colombia and currency United States Dollar Colombia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Comoras and currency United States Dollar Comoras (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Congo and currency United States Dollar Congo (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Corea del Sur and currency South Korean Won Corea del Sur (KRW ₩)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Costa Rica and currency United States Dollar Costa Rica (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Côte d’Ivoire and currency United States Dollar Côte d’Ivoire (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Croacia and currency United States Dollar Croacia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Curazao and currency United States Dollar Curazao (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Dinamarca and currency United States Dollar Dinamarca (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Dominica and currency United States Dollar Dominica (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Ecuador and currency United States Dollar Ecuador (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Egipto and currency United States Dollar Egipto (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for El Salvador and currency United States Dollar El Salvador (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Emiratos Árabes Unidos and currency United States Dollar Emiratos Árabes Unidos (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Eritrea and currency United States Dollar Eritrea (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Eslovaquia and currency United States Dollar Eslovaquia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Eslovenia and currency United States Dollar Eslovenia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for España and currency United States Dollar España (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Estados Unidos and currency United States Dollar Estados Unidos (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Estonia and currency United States Dollar Estonia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Esuatini and currency United States Dollar Esuatini (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Etiopía and currency United States Dollar Etiopía (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Filipinas and currency United States Dollar Filipinas (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Finlandia and currency United States Dollar Finlandia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Fiyi and currency United States Dollar Fiyi (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Francia and currency Euro Francia (EUR €)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Gabón and currency United States Dollar Gabón (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Gambia and currency United States Dollar Gambia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Georgia and currency United States Dollar Georgia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Ghana and currency United States Dollar Ghana (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Gibraltar and currency United States Dollar Gibraltar (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Granada and currency United States Dollar Granada (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Grecia and currency United States Dollar Grecia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Groenlandia and currency United States Dollar Groenlandia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Guadalupe and currency United States Dollar Guadalupe (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Guatemala and currency United States Dollar Guatemala (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Guayana Francesa and currency United States Dollar Guayana Francesa (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Guernesey and currency United States Dollar Guernesey (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Guinea and currency United States Dollar Guinea (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Guinea Ecuatorial and currency United States Dollar Guinea Ecuatorial (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Guinea-Bisáu and currency United States Dollar Guinea-Bisáu (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Guyana and currency United States Dollar Guyana (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Haití and currency United States Dollar Haití (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Honduras and currency United States Dollar Honduras (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Hungría and currency United States Dollar Hungría (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for India and currency United States Dollar India (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Indonesia and currency United States Dollar Indonesia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Irak and currency United States Dollar Irak (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Irlanda and currency United States Dollar Irlanda (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Isla Norfolk and currency United States Dollar Isla Norfolk (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Isla de Man and currency United States Dollar Isla de Man (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Isla de Navidad and currency United States Dollar Isla de Navidad (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Isla de la Ascensión and currency United States Dollar Isla de la Ascensión (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islandia and currency United States Dollar Islandia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islas Aland and currency United States Dollar Islas Aland (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islas Caimán and currency United States Dollar Islas Caimán (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islas Cocos and currency United States Dollar Islas Cocos (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islas Cook and currency United States Dollar Islas Cook (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islas Feroe and currency United States Dollar Islas Feroe (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islas Georgia del Sur y Sandwich del Sur and currency United States Dollar Islas Georgia del Sur y Sandwich del Sur (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islas Malvinas and currency United States Dollar Islas Malvinas (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islas Pitcairn and currency United States Dollar Islas Pitcairn (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islas Salomón and currency United States Dollar Islas Salomón (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islas Turcas y Caicos and currency United States Dollar Islas Turcas y Caicos (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islas Vírgenes Británicas and currency United States Dollar Islas Vírgenes Británicas (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Islas menores alejadas de EE. UU. and currency United States Dollar Islas menores alejadas de EE. UU. (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Israel and currency United States Dollar Israel (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Italia and currency United States Dollar Italia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Jamaica and currency United States Dollar Jamaica (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Japón and currency United States Dollar Japón (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Jersey and currency United States Dollar Jersey (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Jordania and currency United States Dollar Jordania (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Kazajistán and currency United States Dollar Kazajistán (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Kenia and currency United States Dollar Kenia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Kirguistán and currency United States Dollar Kirguistán (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Kiribati and currency United States Dollar Kiribati (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Kosovo and currency United States Dollar Kosovo (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Kuwait and currency United States Dollar Kuwait (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Laos and currency United States Dollar Laos (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Lesoto and currency United States Dollar Lesoto (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Letonia and currency United States Dollar Letonia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Líbano and currency United States Dollar Líbano (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Liberia and currency United States Dollar Liberia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Libia and currency United States Dollar Libia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Liechtenstein and currency United States Dollar Liechtenstein (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Lituania and currency United States Dollar Lituania (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Luxemburgo and currency United States Dollar Luxemburgo (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Macedonia del Norte and currency United States Dollar Macedonia del Norte (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Madagascar and currency United States Dollar Madagascar (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Malasia and currency United States Dollar Malasia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Malaui and currency United States Dollar Malaui (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Maldivas and currency United States Dollar Maldivas (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Mali and currency United States Dollar Mali (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Malta and currency United States Dollar Malta (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Marruecos and currency United States Dollar Marruecos (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Martinica and currency United States Dollar Martinica (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Mauricio and currency United States Dollar Mauricio (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Mauritania and currency United States Dollar Mauritania (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Mayotte and currency United States Dollar Mayotte (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for México and currency United States Dollar México (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Moldavia and currency United States Dollar Moldavia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Mónaco and currency United States Dollar Mónaco (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Mongolia and currency United States Dollar Mongolia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Montenegro and currency United States Dollar Montenegro (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Montserrat and currency United States Dollar Montserrat (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Mozambique and currency United States Dollar Mozambique (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Myanmar (Birmania) and currency United States Dollar Myanmar (Birmania) (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Namibia and currency United States Dollar Namibia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Nauru and currency United States Dollar Nauru (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Nepal and currency United States Dollar Nepal (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Nicaragua and currency United States Dollar Nicaragua (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Níger and currency United States Dollar Níger (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Nigeria and currency United States Dollar Nigeria (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Niue and currency United States Dollar Niue (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Noruega and currency United States Dollar Noruega (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Nueva Caledonia and currency United States Dollar Nueva Caledonia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Nueva Zelanda and currency United States Dollar Nueva Zelanda (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Omán and currency United States Dollar Omán (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Países Bajos and currency United States Dollar Países Bajos (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Pakistán and currency United States Dollar Pakistán (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Panamá and currency United States Dollar Panamá (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Papúa Nueva Guinea and currency United States Dollar Papúa Nueva Guinea (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Paraguay and currency United States Dollar Paraguay (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Perú and currency United States Dollar Perú (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Polinesia Francesa and currency United States Dollar Polinesia Francesa (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Polonia and currency United States Dollar Polonia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Portugal and currency United States Dollar Portugal (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for RAE de Hong Kong (China) and currency United States Dollar RAE de Hong Kong (China) (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for RAE de Macao (China) and currency United States Dollar RAE de Macao (China) (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Reino Unido and currency British Pound Reino Unido (GBP £)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for República Centroafricana and currency United States Dollar República Centroafricana (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for República Democrática del Congo and currency United States Dollar República Democrática del Congo (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for República Dominicana and currency United States Dollar República Dominicana (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Reunión and currency United States Dollar Reunión (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Ruanda and currency United States Dollar Ruanda (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Rumanía and currency United States Dollar Rumanía (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Rusia and currency United States Dollar Rusia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Sáhara Occidental and currency United States Dollar Sáhara Occidental (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Samoa and currency United States Dollar Samoa (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for San Bartolomé and currency United States Dollar San Bartolomé (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for San Cristóbal y Nieves and currency United States Dollar San Cristóbal y Nieves (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for San Marino and currency United States Dollar San Marino (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for San Martín and currency United States Dollar San Martín (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for San Pedro y Miquelón and currency United States Dollar San Pedro y Miquelón (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for San Vicente y las Granadinas and currency United States Dollar San Vicente y las Granadinas (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Santa Elena and currency United States Dollar Santa Elena (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Santa Lucía and currency United States Dollar Santa Lucía (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Santo Tomé y Príncipe and currency United States Dollar Santo Tomé y Príncipe (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Senegal and currency United States Dollar Senegal (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Serbia and currency United States Dollar Serbia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Seychelles and currency United States Dollar Seychelles (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Sierra Leona and currency United States Dollar Sierra Leona (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Singapur and currency United States Dollar Singapur (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Sint Maarten and currency United States Dollar Sint Maarten (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Somalia and currency United States Dollar Somalia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Sri Lanka and currency United States Dollar Sri Lanka (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Sudáfrica and currency United States Dollar Sudáfrica (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Sudán and currency United States Dollar Sudán (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Sudán del Sur and currency United States Dollar Sudán del Sur (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Suecia and currency United States Dollar Suecia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Suiza and currency United States Dollar Suiza (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Surinam and currency United States Dollar Surinam (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Svalbard y Jan Mayen and currency United States Dollar Svalbard y Jan Mayen (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Tailandia and currency United States Dollar Tailandia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Taiwán and currency United States Dollar Taiwán (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Tanzania and currency United States Dollar Tanzania (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Tayikistán and currency United States Dollar Tayikistán (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Territorio Británico del Océano Índico and currency United States Dollar Territorio Británico del Océano Índico (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Territorios Australes Franceses and currency United States Dollar Territorios Australes Franceses (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Territorios Palestinos and currency United States Dollar Territorios Palestinos (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Timor-Leste and currency United States Dollar Timor-Leste (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Togo and currency United States Dollar Togo (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Tokelau and currency United States Dollar Tokelau (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Tonga and currency United States Dollar Tonga (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Trinidad y Tobago and currency United States Dollar Trinidad y Tobago (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Tristán de Acuña and currency United States Dollar Tristán de Acuña (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Túnez and currency United States Dollar Túnez (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Turkmenistán and currency United States Dollar Turkmenistán (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Turquía and currency United States Dollar Turquía (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Tuvalu and currency United States Dollar Tuvalu (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Ucrania and currency United States Dollar Ucrania (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Uganda and currency United States Dollar Uganda (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Uruguay and currency United States Dollar Uruguay (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Uzbekistán and currency United States Dollar Uzbekistán (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Vanuatu and currency United States Dollar Vanuatu (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Venezuela and currency United States Dollar Venezuela (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Vietnam and currency United States Dollar Vietnam (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Wallis y Futuna and currency United States Dollar Wallis y Futuna (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Yemen and currency United States Dollar Yemen (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Yibuti and currency United States Dollar Yibuti (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Zambia and currency United States Dollar Zambia (USD $)
  • Region dropdown option country flag for Zimbabue and currency United States Dollar Zimbabue (USD $)



The Festive Gift Shop

The holiday season is here, and so is the joy of finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones. Whether you’re shopping for your LOML, the bestie that has everything or that difficult auntie who always complains, we have something to put a smile on their face.

Our Festive Gift Guide is your go-to source for inspiration, featuring stunning watches and accessories that will light up any celebration. From luxurious gold designs to versatile mixed metals, these pieces are as unique and thoughtful as the people on your list.

Dive into our curated selection here and make this holiday season unforgettable with gifts they’ll treasure forever. 🎁✨

The fail-safe gift to please even the fussiest family member—choose from our collection of irresistible timepieces that elevate any outfit. Our iconic must-have watches are the ultimate statement of sophistication.


She's chunky, she's eye-catching, she's not for the faint of heart! Make her shine with a bold gold edition like the Tribeca.



If the purse strings are a little tight this year but you still want to show that loved one how special they are, don’t worry. Choose from our selection of budget-friendly options. Find a gift for less than $80.


Show you've really put some thought into this year’s gift with a signature piece. Explore our extra-thick 18ct gold vermeil-plated jewelry pieces to personalize. Create the perfect timeless gift for yourself or a loved one.



Gift our Zodiac Necklace and Birthstone Bracelet to your favorite star sign girls for meaningful moments that were written in the stars.


Choose from some of our bestselling and newest jewelry pieces. These versatile wardrobe essentials complement every 'fit and last a lifetime.


A gift of shimmer, love, and cheer to make this season glow all year. Choose an extra sparkly piece for that extra special someone.



If you really want to spread the love this year, wear your heart on your sleeve and gift something made with love for your loved one.

