Temperatures are rising and we can literally smell the anticipation in the air, Summer is finally here. While festivals, parties, beers in the park and saying yes to every social invitation flung your way may seem like the obvious way to celebrate Summer right now, let’s not forget the all important me time, those little self care rituals that keep us sane, bring sunshine into our days even when it’s gray and make every day feel utterly delicious.
BLOOMIN’ LOVELY - In the words of Miley Cyrus “I can buy myself flowers” and so you should. Whether it’s wandering the flower markets aimlessly on a Sunday until something catches your eye (or it gets to the end of the day and they’re all half price) or just popping to the corner shop for a bunch of tulips to brighten up your kitchen. Treat yourself to some beautiful blooms while they’re at their best this Summer and add a bit of uplifting color to your home.

WEAR PROTECTION - While we’re on a song lyrics tip, let us not disregard a classic with a not so hidden message. It may be obvious but as Baz Luhrman once said “WEAR SUNSCREEN” kids. It doesn’t have to be a Kardashian-esque 32 step skin care regime you’re committing to here, but make sure you’re slapping that factor 30 on every day, come rain or shine, we only get one life and it’s all in the skin you’re in.
‘FITS THAT FIT - gone are the days of “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”, bikini bodies and crash diets. Treat your bod’ with love and respect this summer. Drink that rosé, eat that pasta, cancel that morning spin class in favor of a well deserved lie in. And don’t you dare try to squeeze into 3 year old denim shorts if you’ve outgrown them, bodies change and that’s ok, put on something comfy and go have fun.
HYDRATION STATION - Drinking is more than likely on your Summer schedule but make sure good ol’ agua is getting a look in too. Treat yourself to a boujee new water bottle, the Hermés Birkin of the H2O world, treat it as your emotional support accessory, your needy new best mate and slurp, slurp, slurp.
BE CRINGE - Far too much onus is put on females to be cool, be chill, be nonchalant and carefree, well screw that! Make this the summer of embracing your cringe, become a walking motivational quote because life’s too short. Post a selfie, dance in the rain, hug your friends, tell that special someone how much you care about them. Let’s LIVE, LAUGH & LOVE our way through the Summer huns.
PUT YOU FIRST - So often we get wrapped up in our work and social lives we forget to think about number one, this Summer don’t forget it’s ok to take a day off. Be it a mental health day from work if you’re having a bit of a wobble or canceling plans to chill at home in your own lovely company. Summer is fun, fast and fabulous but don’t let it get the better of you or your mental/physical health.

Speaking of putting yourself first, treat yourself to a bit of sparkle, and add some finesse to your favourite Hot Girl Summer 'Fit. Our recco: The forever fave, go-to and most versatile piece in everyones collection. The Boyfriend Watch mixes modern style, with a vintage edge, the perfect piece to take you from day to night, from beach to bar and from chilling to dancing. Take your pick from classic gold, to mixed metal or style it up and add a bit of sparkle with the Elevate designs.