Mothers Day With Caramie Perry – Larsson & Jennings | Official Store



Mothers Day With Caramie Perry

To celebrate Mother's Day this year, we caught up with the gorgeous Caramie Perry (@caramieperry) who recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. She shared her insights on life with a newborn, what motherhood means to her, and, of course, how she incorporates her impeccable style into mom life.

Shop Caramie’s mom faves here.

How would you define motherhood in your own words?

Motherhood is challenging, rewarding, and overall the biggest blessing I could receive.

How does your first Mother's Day with your newborn feel different from other milestones?

It feels surreal, to be celebrated for being a Mom. Each Mother’s Day following will be special, but you never forget your first! 

What are some special traditions or rituals you're starting to celebrate Mother's Day with your newborn?

I’d love to do a different activity together every year. Maybe one year we play in the garden, another we do a pottery class, or even a cooking class. I would enjoy that very much!

How has becoming a mother influenced your perspective on Mother's Day?

It has made me appreciate my Mother even more than I already have. She has always put my sister and I first, and makes every holiday special for us. I hope to do that for my son, as memories are everything.

How do you plan to incorporate your newborn into your Mother's Day celebrations?

I plan to spend some time outside, as he is starting to take all the sights and sounds in, and cook a nice dinner at home, followed by a movie and some cuddles! 

What advice would you give to other new mothers celebrating their first Mother's Day?

Make it special. Treat yourself. Celebrate what amazing Mothers we are! We are superheroes and should be proud of ourselves.

How do you balance the excitement of Mother's Day and any other special days with the demands of caring for a newborn?

I think it’s finding joy in the little things. Going outside for a walk, cuddling during a nap, hearing him ‘coo’ as we have conversations. This, and spending time with my husband and our dog Jah.

How do you envision creating lasting memories with your newborn on this special occasion?

I love to capture the moment, so I plan to take some film photos that we can cherish for years to come. 

If you had to choose one parenting mantra for yourself what would it be?

Slow down, enjoy the present moment.

Which LJ pieces have you chosen and how will you be styling these with your Mothers Day ‘fit?

I have chosen to style my Boyfriend Mini Elevate Mixed Gold, as is pairs so well with everything and looks so chic. I also chose to style the LJ Zodiac necklaces + Birthstone bracelets for my son and I. I love that we can pair these together and coordinate our outfits.

What’s your favourite piece  from the LJ collection and why?

Ooh, that’s hard! I would have to say overall, my OG Boyfriend Mini Elevate in Gold. It’s the first piece in my LJ collection and is so timeless.

