Summer In Boston With Sasha Tang – Larsson & Jennings | Official Store
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Summer In Boston With Sasha Tang

Sasha Tang is serving up looks with cute, whimsical florals embellished in gold, and we just love her ethereal vibes. Read on to find out about her fashion inspiration, life in Boston, and how she styles her favorite L&J pieces.

What do you love most about spending summer in Boston?
Nothing beats a New England summer — picnic season, farmer’s markets, easy access for getaways to nearby cities (and states!), warm temperatures the entire day and night, everything is absolutely divine. Summers in Boston are no exception; everything comes to life and the energy is just inexplicable. This is my last summer in Boston (I’m moving soon!), so I’m soaking in every second of it.


Are there any hidden gems or favorite spots you like to visit?
One of my favorite spots is Sipping Room by Breeze in the Fenway area, a cafe specializing in coffees and teas from all over Asia. I’ve tried nearly every drink on the menu, and my all time favorite is the wintermelon oolong tea with lemon — so refreshing for a hot summer day. I also love that they incorporate little seasonal touches like real flowers on your cup in spring and summer along with the art installations from local artists displayed inside.
And while it may not be a hidden gem, the Boston Public Garden is undeniably a fan favorite. I usually find a cozy spot under the willow trees and spend hours there with friends, indulging in whatever activity we planned for the day: reading, painting, (and of course, nonstop yapping). And if you’re in the mood to pick up a bite for the picnic, my favorite combo is dim sum from Winsor Dim Sum and boba from Teazzi - thank me later!

How does the city influence your fashion choices?
Funnily enough, people often bring up that Boston was actually given the title of the worst-dressed city by GQ in 2011. However, it’s been incredibly refreshing to see how the fashion community has evolved and grown since then. In my 4 years living there, I’ve seen significant strides in transforming Boston’s fashion landscape, from vintage clothing pop-ups like Select Markets to new secondhand stores gaining traction.

Do you have any go-to outfits for exploring the city during this season?
I’ve developed a foolproof combo to keep me looking put-together while still being practical. Given the hot and humid weather, I’ve opted for light and breathable fabrics like cotton and linen. I’ve also been gravitating towards skirts and dresses (I’ve rarely touched my trousers this summer — they’re effortless to throw on, help beat the high temperatures, and serve as a great base for accessorizing. My comfortable Mary Jane sneakers and trusty, spacious leather tote (it’s like a bottomless pit!) are essential for city walking and pull the final look together.

You often share beautiful content about Boston. What are some of the most Instagrammable places in the city during the summer?
Boston has a fascinating juxtaposition of old and new, with colonial-era landmarks and modern architecture coexisting harmoniously. The Beacon Hill area and along Commonwealth Avenue have the iconic cobblestone streets. Other classics include the Charles River, the Boston Public Garden, Castle Island, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, and the courtyard of the Boston Public Library. However, from personal experience, the best "Instagrammable" photos come from capturing the little, spontaneous moments and charming corners you found throughout the city. As cliché as it may sound, if you look for it, you’ll find that beauty is everywhere.

What does a typical day in Boston look like for you?
Now that I’ve graduated, I have much more flexibility in my schedule. On a typical weekday, I start my day by making breakfast and a matcha latte, get ready, and cook lunch before heading to my cafe of choice with my laptop. My schedule varies week to week, but as an extrovert whose love language is quality time, I always have plans scheduled on my calendar — plans for solo dates, cafe hopping with a friend, trying a new dinner spot, etc. Having something to look forward to makes life that much more exciting and fulfilling.

Talk us through your looks and how you’ve incorporated your L&J pieces into them.
I love how versatile and timeless my Larsson & Jennings pieces are — they’re perfect for any occasion, from casual brunches to evenings out. They blend seamlessly into the rest of my jewelry collection, allowing for endless mixing and matching. My every day jewelry typically features a L&J watch layered with an arm cuff, paired with complimentary earrings as well as necklace and ring stacks.

What are your top tips for elevating your summer style with accessories?
Accessorizing is one of my favorite ways to elevate any look; jewelry, hats, hair accessories, belts, bags, these little details add so much dimension. I especially love the trend of Jane Birkinifying bags and decorating shoes with fun charms to add personality to your every day outfit. I’ve also seen a lot of people talk about the “rule of 7,” which suggests that each outfit should be composed of 7 elements of clothing, shoes, bags, and accessories. This is not a hard-and-fast rule but rather a fun guideline and way to experiment to find your personal style.
Another tip is to gradually build up your jewelry collection to create your signature necklace, arm, and ring stack. Over the years, I’ve curated my favorite pieces from around the world, ranging from NYC flea markets to small designers in London (like L&J!) to accessory wholesale stores in Korea.


If you could describe your summer style in three words, what would they be?
Chic, whimsical, romantic

What's one fashion trend you're excited to try this summer?
I’ve loved the bubble skirt trend this summer! I know some people think it looks a bit childish, but I personally adore the cloud-like silhouette — it makes me feel feminine, chic, and like a fluffy soufflé pancake. I love playing with texture in my looks, and I think the bubble hem on tops, skirts, and dresses adds a unique touch that elevates the overall look and makes it a little more interesting.

